Making Access to Work

You’ve got funding for a Job Aide or Work Coach, but need a support worker to help you find the support you need, right?

Or maybe you’re a support worker looking to change lives?

We get it. That’s why we’re here.

Job Aides For Neurodivergent Entrepreneurs

We’re here to fix a very specific flaw in an otherwise excellent service in the UK, Access to Work. After all, it’s hard to know how to find the right support worker without having one to help you through the process in the first place!

If you’re self-employed and neurodivergent, then find out how we can support you to create your own future.

UX/UI Design
Literacy Support

Proofreading, content writing and comprehension.

Marketing & SEO
Confidence Building

Accountability calls, meeting support and note-taking.

UX/UI Design
Time Management

Organization, administrative duties and task completion.

UX/UI Design
Health and Wellbeing

Coaching, Mentorship and Self-Development.

Meet The Job Aides is a collective of social enterprises and self-employed neurodivergent entrepreneurs like yourself that believe in getting the best out of others.

Lucy Smith (She/Her)

Inclusive Change (Bristol)
Specialist: Admin and Task Completion
Perfect for: In-Person (Bristol) or Remote

Rob Butler
Rob Butler (He/Him)

Founder / Job Aide
Specialist: Literacy and Mentoring
Perfect for: Dyslexia Support, ADHD, Autism

Kekezza Reece (They/She)

ADHD Coach
Specialist: Coaching and Mentoring
Perfect for: ADHD, Autism, Mental Health

Our Case Studies

It would be easy for us to say “this is what we do” and leave it at that. But we want to make it clear and simple for you. So here’s some more visual ideas of what we’re all about.

Job Aide
Finish Tasks You Can’t
Virtual Assistant
Personal Service
One-To-One Support
Organisation and Time Management
Make Sense of it All
Content Management
Proofreading and Copywriting
Be Yourself
Do It Your Way

What Our Clients Say

Take a closer look at some testimonials from people we’ve worked with in the past, both through our services at and our own B2B client services!

Lliam Green Testimonial
Lliam Green, Dawn Creative

“Robert was an absolute superstar and really over-delivered on expectations. I thoroughly enjoy Robert’s writing style and can really see the research he puts into his work. I was very pleased with the outcome of the work and look forward to working alongside Robert again in the future.”

Holly Kisby Testimonial
Holly Kisby, HBK Coaching

“I chose Rob as my job aide as a result of Access to Work funding and I wasn’t sure where to go. I needed someone I could trust to help me complete tasks I struggle with. It helps Rob has ADHD too so understands my struggles first-hand which takes the pressure off me to focus on what I’m good at.”

Latest From The Blog

Here are some articles helping you get the help and support you need.

Rob Butler

Why I Started

As neurodivergent individuals we face significant challenges in finding and maintaining employment. Limited job opportunities, discrimination, and inaccessible workplaces…